The Youth Department is most commonly referred to as AY, which means Adventist Youth. More specifically, AY is a program we have weekly,which features the youth leading out in the services. The services are designed to impact the lives of the young people, taking present issues and challenges and finding creative and appealing ways to address them biblically.
The mission of the Conyers AY Department is to provide our youth with tools that will help them develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, through prayer, bible study, fellowship and service to others. With the guidance and mentorship of our entire church family, our youth will be nurtured and empowered through spiritually enriched programs and activities.
Most of the programs here at the Conyers SDA Church are open to youth involvement. However, there are many programs designed specifically for our youth, such as:
AY - Adventist Youth programs every 1st and 3rd Sabbath afternoon. These are for our youth 13 years of age and older.
AJY - Adventist Junior Youth meet at the same time as AY, but these programs are designed more appropriately for our children age 12 and under.
Pathfinder Club - quite similar to Boys and Girls scout, but with greater knowledge of Jesus Christ and preparation for not only this current world but for life eternal with our Heavenly Father. The curriculum is designed for those age 9 to adult. Pathfinder meet the second and fourth Sunday of each month, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
Adventurer Club- Similar to Pathfinder,these programs are designed for children under age 9. Adventurer Club meets simultaneously with the Pathfinders.
YES- Youth Embracing Salvation. - This program is held the first Sabbath of each month, from 10:30 am to 12:30 am and is designed like an interactive Youth Church where the youth get to hear answers to burning questions and engage in discussions with a select few Elders and youth leaders, in an open and honest environment.
Youth Choir - The choir sings on the third Sabbath of each month. Rehearsals are right after Divine Worship each Sabbath, except for second Sabbath. The youth also participate in other music ministries, such as Bells and the orchestra which plays for special programs each year.
Social Activities -Game nights, fund day, poetry night, etc.
Community Outreach and Church In-Reach - Feeding the homeless; providing groceries to families in need during special holidays; giving help to victims of natural disasters; contributing to other areas as needed such as the opening of our Church School.
Other - Programs which encourage youth involvement include: Vacation Bible School, Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry,and Sabbath School.
Our Hope
Is that the Youth become involved in the ministries of the church,which is on one mission for Jesus Christ, whereby they may find fulfillment in serving the Lord through service to others. WE intend for our youth to find support and empowerment through the programs offered and therefore become eager to embrace the gospel of salvation and then share this great truth with those with whom they come in contact.
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