As we approach the return of Jesus, we at Conyers see a great need to help develop men who display maturity in age and spirit. We seek to dispel the myth that men are just boys in bigger bodies. As we read our Bible, we know that God has placed men in a distinct and important roles in the home and the church.
We realize that in this present world, men are often portrayed in a negative light. However, the men of Conyers, resolve to be the men God has called us to be.
How We Minister
We encourage and facilitate meaningful relationships between men as they:
-Schedule programs utilizing the talents of our local men
-Mentor young boys and teenagers in how to be a man of God
-Serve the church volunteering to assist those in need (widows and orphans)
-Each man in the church should e a mentor or be mentored
Prayer after church on 3rd Sabbaths immediately after church
Prayer Breakfast on the 3rd Sundays of each month
Ministry Contact
Raymond Cook
404 580-5276