Hope Food Pantry

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We are open every Sunday from 11am to 4pm or until food runs out. 

At this time there is no requirement to live in a particular county to receive food.  The distribution to the clients will be a non-contact/drive-by pickup and go process.  In preparation for your pick-up we ask that all clients clear their vehicles trunks so that they do not have to get out of their cars and our volunteers do not have to handle your belongings.  


What is the Hope Food Pantry? 

Hope Food Pantry is one of our community service ministries that is organized and operated by a group of dedicated church members and volunteers.  Hope Food Pantry works in conjunction with the Atlanta Community Food Bank and the local grocery stores to provide free groceries regardless of what county you live in.


When is the Hope Food Pantry open?

Hope Food Pantry is usually open on Sundays except on major National Holidays.  Food distribution ends when we run out of food for the day. There are sometimes unexpected updates to our food pantry schedule, so please be sure to check our calendar of events before coming. 

Does the Hope Food Pantry deliver food or provide transportation?

At this time, we do not have the capacity to deliver food nor provide transportation.

What can I expect the first time?

All services are done through the drive-up.  We ask that you do not get out of your car.  You simply get in the drive-up line. You can expect to fill out all the necessary registration paperwork in your car before you collect your free groceries,  a volunteer will place your food in your trunk when it is your turn.  

Are there any requirements?  

Our Food Pantry is for ANY resident regardless of what county you live in.


What kind of food will I get?

We cannot tell you exactly what kinds of food will be available, because what we receive is based on what the local grocery stores have available donate weekly. However, we usually receive a diverse amount of fresh fruits/veggies, non-perishable/canned goods, cereals, grains, pasta, seasonings/spices, packaged snack foods, bottled water, fruit juice, soft drinks, various frozen foods and sometimes poultry/meat/diary products.

Will it cost anything? 

Our Hope Food Pantry provides food completely free of charge thanks to the generous donations of our local grocery stores and the Atlanta Community Food Bank. 

How can I become a volunteer for the Hope Food Pantry?

In order to become a volunteer for our Hope Food Pantry, please go to www.handsonatlanta.org  to sign up. 

OUR LOCATION. See Google Maps for Detailed Directions.